The hair can fall out for many reasons. Malnutrition, in which the body does not receive the necessary vitamins (C, B5, B6, PP) and trace elements (iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium) can be the cause of hair loss. Hormonal changes during pregnancy, use of birth control pills or endocrine diseases very bad effect on the condition of the hair.
Our hair is sensitive to any stress: a strong weight loss, general anesthesia, emotional experience. Do not add hair strength and high temperature fluctuations. So no need to go in the winter without a hat.
What you need to do to stop losing hair? Need to fully fed. Eating lean meat, poultry, lean beef, beans, cheese, fruits and vegetables can help prevent hair loss. Multivitamins also be superfluous.
It is recommended to use a good hair brush, with which you can gently massage the scalp. This improves blood circulation, stimulates the hair follicle, which beneficially affects the state of the scalp. Brush hair should be at least two times a day, holding a brush in all directions.
Have outstanding action tonic for the hair with ginseng, panthenol, protein, horse chestnut extract, jojoba oil, vitamin PP and E. Pick up shampoo and should be in accordance with its view of the hair.
Do not neglect and folk remedies. For example, the hair mask on the basis of burdock is considered the most effective. Very useful mask of onions, vegetable oil, and honey - they are able to strengthen hair. The only drawback of this tool is a strong unpleasant odor. Henna has a tonic effect. However masks from this plant can not be held more than an hour - the hair may become too dry.