Take a clove of garlic and pass it through the press. Pour 5-7 ml of sunflower or olive oil. At this time, mix one egg yolk and a tablespoon of liquid honey. Strain the oil and connect with other components. Put on your head for a few hours. Thoroughly wash and rinse curls broth nettle and chamomile. This mask helps not only to restore the structure, but also improve hair growth.
Whisk the egg yolks, add a spoonful of butter, a little brandy, honey and a colorless henna. You must get a lot of that is the consistency of thick cream. Apply to the hair and hold 20-60 minutes. If you have a lot of free time, the mixture is washed off after a couple of hours - the effect will be much better.
Buy at the pharmacy burdock root. Raw materials put into a small jar and pour the warmed olive oil - 100 ml 2 tablespoons grass. Insist week in a dark place, then strain. Apply on the hair roots, and several times a week. Of course, you can buy and burdock oil, but cooked at home at times better.
Very dry hair can be restored by using the following mask. Take 100 grams of high-quality (village) of butter, melt in a water bath. Enter the beaten yolk. Apply to hair, head Insulate with cellophane and a towel. A few hours later, carefully wash your hair several times with warm water and shampoo. Washed off this mask is bad enough, but having a great result - locks are shiny and elastic, and with regular use you will forget about split ends.