It is desirable to protect hair during pregnancy from adverse external influences. Less than they would be to dry the hair dryer or painted, the better their condition. Every expectant mother takes his own decision about whether to dye your hair or not pregnant, because once contact with chemicals is not very useful. But nature has taken care of that. If you own the color seems quite faint, you can use vegetable shading means. Blonde hair rinse decoction helps pharmacy chamomile, and dark - black tea brew.
Some women learned about their situation, stop to visit a barber, fearing for the health of the unborn child. It is not necessary to believe prejudices, as between circumcision hair and development of the fetus there is no correlation. But regular grooming helps to improve the appearance, without avoiding cross-section of all would be extremely difficult.
In order to improve blood circulation in the scalp, allowing nutrients to be increasingly exposed to the hair follicles, we can do a light massage. To do this, before washing the hair on the tips of the fingers to apply drops of any essential oil and with his participation scalp massaged for 5-7 minutes.
Will be most effective hair care during pregnancy, including a weekly nourishing masks from natural ingredients. Ideally nourishes the hair during pregnancy and helps to strengthen hair follicles mask made from pre-warmed olive oil, to which are added a few drops of essential oil of rose. Not less useful for hair honey and egg yolk mixed with a teaspoon of brandy.