First fact. Hair begins to grow even before birth. In an embryo of four or five months, it is already possible to notice the appearance of hair. Slows their growth by fifty years, and its peak occurs from thirteen to thirty years.
The fact of the second. Despite the apparent thinness and fragility, each hair is able to bear the load of the order of one hundred grams. Under the weight of it may be deformed, that is one-third the length of the stretch and thinned. Hair strength is individual for each person under the influence of negative factors, they may become more brittle. The strength of hairs is significantly reduced after bleaching and perming.
The fact of the third. Hair growth hormone-dependent, namely - the ratio of male and female hormones in the human body. Men stimulate the growth of facial hair and body hair, female - on the head.
The fact of the fourth. In women, the hair on the head is about six years, and men - about three. Each hair follicle is able to grow about thirty hairs.
The fact of the fifth. It has been proven that the length hairstyle depends on a person's race. Best short hair are dark-skinned people, and the longest - Mongols. On average, they grow to twelve centimeters per year, the speed may vary depending on the race, genetic predisposition, human health, and many other factors.
The fact of the sixth. The vast majority of hair - eighty percent - are in the growth stage, only twenty percent - in the process of falling. This is a natural process, daily drops about one hundred hair, and begin to grow new ones. If the hair thins too sharply, it is worth to see a specialist. The most common causes of excessive hair loss is stress, hormonal disorders, diseases schitovdinoy cancer and digestive organs, as well as an unhealthy diet.
The fact of the seventh. The roots of the hair in women are two to three millimeters deeper than in men, so men are more prone to baldness.
The fact of the eighth. Worst enemy hairstyle is hard tap water. Furthermore, a detrimental effect on the hair ultraviolet rays winder and dyeing, and blow-drying.
The fact of the ninth. The best means of hair care are masks. They help most effectively restore health and beauty hair.
The fact of the tenth. Despite the many care products and all kinds of salon treatment, most men at sixty threatens baldness.