First of all, use a mild detergent to wash your hair, they will not irritate the sebaceous glands and provoke excessive release of fat. Contrary to popular belief, only use shampoo for oily hair does not necessarily: alternate them with the usual nourishing shampoo and be sure to use different means of caring for the hair. Special shampoos will regulate sebaceous secretion and shampoo for frequent use will take care of your hair, nourishing and strengthening them.
Ownersoily hairAs caregiversfolk remedies can do a variety of tinctures, decoctions and rinse them after washing the head or rub into the scalp. Nettle, plantain, chamomile, calendula have astringent effect; oak bark and onion skins and even embellish hair (not recommended for use to owners of blond hair). Fill Art. a spoonful of raw materials 500 ml of cold water, the pogrom 10 minutes in a water bath (15 minutes oak bark), strain the broth and rinse their hair after shampooing will wash them. As the air conditioner can use lemon extract: juice of one lemon 500 ml of warm water. Apply this solution can be every time after washing the hair - it will give your hair shine and easier installation.
Greasy hair (Folk remedies to care for them simply irreplaceable) will thank you, and for the application of various tinctures that will improve the hair follicles and strengthens hair.
Lemon liqueur for oily hair (folk remedy). Juice of one lemon mixed with a good vodka (50 ml) and boiled water (100 ml), spray on hair roots daily for weeks. Do not rinse! Tincture regulates sebum production, stimulates hair growth. Use caution - is considered a potent tool and can dry up the head.
Herbal tincture for oily hair (folk remedy). Prepare a decoction of a mixture of herbs: St. John's wort, thyme, mint and sweet flag (20 g pour 400 ml of boiling water and let it brew), add the strained infusion of 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of rubbing alcohol and lubricate the resulting solution hair every other day.
Pine tincture for oily hair (folk remedy). 3 tbsp. spoon spruce needles (fir, pine) pour boiling water (1 L), boil for 5-7 minutes. To enhance efficiency, add 4-5 drops of pine oil and rub the resulting solution into the scalp and hair. After 20-30 minutes, thoroughly rinse your hair with regular shampoo.
Greasy hair - folk care products with essential oils
Essential oils are widely used in hair care products, they improve their condition, they impart elasticity, gloss, promote better growth. You can add a few drops of essential oil in shampoo or hair conditioner (perfect oil of basil, bergamot, calendula, lavender, ylang-ylang, rose, sage, geranium, juniper) or use them to massage the scalp. Mix a few drops of oil to the base (almond or olive oil) at the rate of 3 drops of essential oil on a tsp. Base, dip fingertips into the mixture and rub it massaged into the scalp. This massage is better to do before going to bed, you can in a day.
Excellent helpMask for oily hairPrepared independently. They are checked by our mothers and grandmothers and no worse in quality Ready to shop means.
Mask for oily hair with cognac. Yolk rub with 2 tsp. Olive oil, add a tsp. Cognac. Apply the mask on his head, walk 20 minutes and rinse with regular shampoo. Mask regulates the greasiness of the hair, enhances their growth.
Mask for oily hair with potatoes. Two raw potatoes grate, squeeze any excess liquid. Mix with a glass of buttermilk and apply gruel on hair. Shook his head warm towel and walk around with a mask for half an hour, then rinse using shampoo.
Mask for oily hair with aloe. Aloe juice mixed with honey and lemon juice (in equal proportions), add 1-2 cloves of minced garlic. Rub the mixture into the scalp (head pre-wash with shampoo), hair Wrap with cellophane and a warm towel. After 30 minutes the mask rinse with warm water. Hair for some time will smell of garlic, so this procedure is best done at night and on the weekend (when you can stay at home).
And remember: the condition of the hair depends strongly on the power supply, so if your hair is suffering increased "fat", try to limit the use of salty, spicy spices and animal fats.
Svetlana Krutova