Mask to soften coarse hair

Mask to soften coarse hair
 Coarse hair badly stacked in her hair, unkempt look and deliver maximum trouble. Deal with the problem, you can use natural masks, cooked at home.
 Before applying any mask on his head, to test for allergic reactions. To do this, elbow grease a small amount of area, wait 10 minutes and rinse. If in the next few hours the redness was not followed, boldly proceed to use.

Well proven oil masks. Buy olive, burdock or refined sunflower oil. Add the fat-based vitamins, such as "Aevitum." Preheat to 40 degrees and apply to hair. Top cover with foil or bag, to warm towel and hold the mask for about an hour. If you have a lot of free time, you can leave for 4-6 hours.

Thoroughly rinse hair with warm water and shampoo. Oil washed off bad enough, so you have to put in a little effort. Rinse tresses weak solution of vinegar, preferably apple - per liter of water 1 tablespoon enough.

Mayonnaise also has a soothing effect. Take 3 tablespoons of the product, add to it one egg yolk and mix. Apply to dry hair, put cellophane cap and leave on for 40 minutes. As time passes, rinse the head with warm water. Use balm necessarily, because curls and so perfectly soften and moisturize after the mask.

If you have a very pushatsya hair, resort to using the following mask. Mix the olive oil in equal proportions with honey - you should have a volume, which is enough to moisten completely locks. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes. If you have a very bright hair, dyed unstable paint, be careful, because with honey they may become darker.

Periodically rub into the scalp burdock. It not only moisturize your hair, but also accelerate their growth. With regular use of nourishing masks curls become obedient and very soft.

Tags: hair mask, mitigation