First you need to wash their hair and a slightly dry, soaked them with a towel. Then, they must be applied sufficient styling foams or mousse, spreading it over the entire length. You can use a comb with widely spaced teeth. Do not overdo it with the amount of foam, otherwise the hair will look heavy and greasy.
Dry hair dryer, lifting them from the roots and thereby giving additional volume. To avoid damage to the structure, should be dry cool air from the bottom strand, it should be the top clipped to not interfere in the process of drying.
Now you need to divide the hair into strands and every cheat on curling. It is important to observe the direction of the curl (all in the same direction), only hairstyle will look finished. With a brush Brush your, secure terminals curls and sprinkle nail fixation. Hair can be collected in a bun, garnished with a hairpin, or leave loose.
Instead of curling can use ordinary or thermal curlers of small size. Keep ordinary hair should at least two hours, and heated rollers - 5-7 minutes. Once they are removed, it is necessary to comb hair comb with a few teeth or just beat his hands, and then - to fix her hair lacquer.
Luxurious curls can turn and blow-drying. Strand of hair is wound onto a round brush for styling (brushing). The brush should be to turn around its axis, substituting the hair under a hot air stream. After this procedure, the hairstyle should fix the varnish.