With self-staining buy paint in specialty stores. Better to take the composition for the professional painting. Ask the counselor how to properly mix the composition. If your hair is too dark, it means one can not do. Will have to take two kinds and brighten alternately.
When choosing a clarifier remember that for thin hair fit less concentrated oxides, for example, 3, or 6 percent. And for hard should be selected richer - 9 or 12 percent.
Note that when lightening 6 tones previously colored hair, they will never get a uniform color. Therefore, you must immediately buy a dye to create an even tone.
Houses prepare glassware dilution means. Never use a metal container and a comb. Wear gloves and cover shoulders with a towel. Carefully read the instructions, dilute the paint and apply on hair. Apply first on the darkest areas, then spread over the entire surface. The composition should not be too thick. It is not necessary to wrap the hair so as during bleaching, a large amount of heat.
After the exposure time has come to an end, wash one strand and see the result. If he did not satisfy you, hold more paint for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse under running water.
If your hair is too hard and the first time lighten them failed, repeat the procedure. After re-lightening put on hair dye leveling.
Note that such a clarification - it's a great stress to the hair. After that, they have long treated by various masks and balms. So try gradually over several months to move seamlessly from one tone to another. Use brighteners which allow for once at 2-3 to change the color tone.