How to get rid of the perm

How to get rid of the perm
 Perm it goes out of fashion, it is becoming popular again. The following tips will help you choose the most intrusive option transition from one hair to another.
 First of all, think about if you're only going to do a perm. You may fit a simpler version, without chemicals. And it will be able to quickly and painlessly go back to the old familiar to you hair.

Perm principle for all the time that it is made practically not changed. As before, to create beautiful curls, changing the structure of the hair. But there was such a kind as biozavivka, the main active component of which is a biological protein cystine, which is similar in structure to a substance that is part of the hair. Such a method of curling hair acts more gentle and lasts less conventional chemistry - about three months.

There are several ways that you can get rid of a perm. Alas, they do not give an absolute guarantee, since a lot depends on the characteristics of the hair from the chemicals that were used in the process of curling.

The first way - to go to the same salon where you did this hairstyle, and request return all "as it was." Hairdressers know by means of what they were doing you a chemistry, so perhaps the problem is easily solved. But it has its "pitfalls": you risk severely harm their hair - they simply can not survive another stress and develop a strong fall.

You can try to rectify the situation at home - in beauty shops selling a variety of different means: special straightening balms, masks and gels. This is likely to be cheaper than a return visit the salon, but it's possible impact on your hair even worse - you can get rid of a wave with hair. The use of various devices such as smoothing the hair iron not give the desired effect.

The most secure way - wait for the hair to the industry, and then trimming a perm.

Tags: chemistry, waving, biozavivka