If by nature you have dark hair, the staining should be performed in two stages. Initially, it is necessary to lighten your locks. This procedure takes place in the usual way blondirovanija hair. To do this, you will need to paint, bleach based on hydrogen peroxide, since this component is able to effectively influence the dark color, destroying the natural pigment.
Should act according to the instructions, without ignoring the test for skin sensitivity. After a successful clarification of hair can safely proceed to the second step - toning or color. To do this, you need to pre-select a coloring agent with the desired light shade. Very often, for this purpose, use a soft balm and tonic. They usually contain ammonia, and easy to use. Depending on the exposure time on the hair is possible to achieve the desired shade. Use them as regular shampoos, evenly distributed over the entire length with a comb. 5-20 minutes means washed off with warm water. After that recommended to the hair caring balm or conditioner.
Traditional recipes
Natural Clarifier for hair and are very popular. They do not harm the curls and easy to use at home. Slightly lighten the natural color of blond hair is possible by means of a special infusion. For its preparation will need 1 tablespoon of chamomile (pharmacy), 1 tablespoon of nettle root. These components need to pour 1 liter of boiling water and cover the container with a tight lid. After 30-40 minutes of broth is ready. The resulting infusion should rinse hair after each shampooing. In a month your hair will gain a lighter shade.