During dyeing chemical clarifier penetrates deep into the hair changes its structure and disrupt metabolism. So you need to carefully take care of the hair, loose hard impact. Highlighted Hair Care at home is quite accessible to everyone.
- Shampoo. As a result of dyeing hair is alkaline, the effect of which is quite unfavorable, but because the first two weeks, it is desirable to wash your hair a special shampoo. It is designed specifically for highlighted hair and has, compared with other means more acidic environment to neutralize the action of an alkali, and the protein components can help repair the damaged structure. In addition this shampoo makes your hair more intense color and makes them visually strong and healthy.
- Massage. Daily massaging for about 10 minutes with the help of the scalp massage brush causes increased blood flow, and hence the power of hair that affect them positively.
- Combing. You can comb your hair in a dry form, as Streaked hair not tolerate this procedure in the wet state, the more the hair stretched and become brittle. Avoid using plastic combs. The most useful are wooden combs with large teeth.
- Mask. Good effect brings the mask of egg yolks, which are applied to the hair. Closed film mask enough to sustain about half an hour and wash off with a mild shampoo. You can add to the yolk a little lemon juice, acidic environment which gives the hair shine and elasticity. Also, you can make a mask with honey, again with the addition of lemon juice.
- Care. Inadmissible to use a hair dryer, and ironing and curling tools.
Highlighted Hair Care at home is practically no different from usual care except some limitations. And here already have to choose yourself the owner of your own hair - continue to sacrifice or after the "torture" of hair yet their pardon.