Pour warm water a quarter of rye bread. Crusts should not be. Leave to infuse for one or two hours. The resulting mixture should drain. In the finished mask, you can add lemon juice (for oily hair) or essential oil (for dry hair). This mixture was spread over the entire length of the hair thoroughly rubbing into the scalp.
Head cover with a plastic bag and wrap a towel on top of it. After 20-30 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water easy. This feature can use once a week.
To give your hair extra volume and weighing it in 200 ml of ordinary shampoo add two tablespoons of starch. Wash your hair with this tool, you can also, as usual shampoo, just a bottle should be thoroughly shaken before use.
Get rid of many problems with hair, you can use this home-brewed beer. For half a glass of beer add one egg yolk, and the resulting mixture is applied to the head. Hair wrapped in a plastic bag or cap left in this form for a few minutes. Rinsed under running water. This mask can replace the usual shampoo, make hair strong and thick.
To make your hair shiny and thick, to get rid of split ends, it is necessary to prepare a special tool, for which mixed 0, 5 liters of beer and 100 grams of rye crackers. This mask is applied to clean hair, leave for an hour. After that, the head should be rinsed with the following solution: a liter of water and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. This mask is enough to do once a month.
To make your hair stiff and heavy, you can wash them with sour milk. Only then should be thoroughly rinsed with water, or will a sour smell. Your hair will grow faster and become thicker if the roots apply a mixture of one or two eggs and a tablespoon of salt.