If you have red hair by nature - that's all right, but if over the years you dyed your hair in various shades of red and brown colors, in such a situation can not do without special tools - wash. So it is possible to remove all the red pigment in several stages, but it is very bad for the health and appearance of curls.
To get the right shade, not yellow or green, only use professional products. It is better to buy them in specialty stores. Remember, in any case, do not select the paint, the title of which is the word "ash" and it is better to buy a shampoo that removes the straw color. It should be used, mixing in equal proportions with the usual means for washing hair.
To injure less hair, better color my hair gradually to the desired hue by highlighting. Then you are guaranteed to get a smooth and natural color shades.
In any case, to discolor hair, should consult a professional. If your hair is dry and lifeless, before staining is necessary to restore the course with the help of medical masks, shampoos and conditioners.
Bleached hair require careful maintenance. Every day, be sure to use shampoos and conditioners for hair that will restore their structure. In addition, you need to moisturize the hair. This is best done with the help of linseed oil, which is rubbed into the scalp before washing at least 2 times a week.
To colored blond hair was more manageable, it is necessary to carry out the lamination, which not only makes hair more voluminous and smooth, but also protects from external influence.
And in order to get rid of yellow, immediately after staining need to wash my hair with purple coloring shampoo or platinum color. Keep it on the hair need no more than 3-4 minutes, otherwise the hair will become purple.