Dramatically change the natural data, we can not, and all the joys, allow you to change the color and appearance of hair we are unlikely to completely give up soon. Therefore, it remains only one thing - whenever possible to reduce the negative impact on the natural hair and constantly indulge their effective against dryness. And since one of the most effective means in this case arehomemade mask for dry hair, JustLady offers to talk about the methods of their preparation.
Owners of dry hair know that dry head of hair - it's not just the base to buy intended for this type of hair cosmetics. This is the real problem, which is accompanied by unpleasant events such as brittleness, dullness and generally not a good kind of hair. Let things take their course in this case is impossible, as already damaged hair alone is not restored, and the nature of the dry curls hardly one morning just change. So, we need to begin to feed the hair with moisture right now. Fortunately, popular recipes, which can beprepare homemade mask for dry hairEnough even for those who like to constantly experiment.
Egg therapy
Mask for dry hair with egg - this is one way to quickly eliminate excessive dryness of hair, making them more elastic and shiny. There are several recipes in which prepares egg mask for damaged hair or hair that is dry by nature. JustLady offers to cook some of the most effective.
Egg-garlic mask is prepared by mixing one egg yolk, one teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of mayonnaise and two pre-chopped garlic cloves. The mask is applied over the entire length of the hair, including the roots. Then put on a plastic cap and head wraps a towel. The therapy lasts about half an hour, after which the hair thoroughly washed with shampoo.
You can cook and egg-acetic mask, it is well known that the vinegar softens fine hair and makes them shine. In order to evaluate the merits of such a mask, you need to mix one egg with one teaspoon of vinegar and one teaspoon of glycerin. To the resulting mixture add two tablespoons of castor oil, and similarly for a half-hour preceding the mask applied to the hair over the entire length. After removing the mask with hair using shampoo.
Honey and cognac mask for dry hair - Another hit. And it is not in vain. Cognac is also able to give hair shine, and other ingredients mask literally revitalize the hair and make them look more attractive. For the preparation of this mask will need one egg yolk, one teaspoon of brandy, as much honey and one tablespoon of olive oil or burdock. A mixture of these components apply to the entire length of the hair and make hair sauna effect using polyethylene caps and towels. After two and a half hours wash away the mask, and then rinse your hair with shampoo.
Did you know that the hair also love yogurt? Especially in the egg mixture. So why not treat them in such a delicacy? Mix 5 tablespoons of natural yogurt with one egg, and, voila, a treat ready. Enough hair for 15 minutes in order to enjoy the treat. After the procedure rinse with shampoo.
Ginseng is not only useful for the organism as a whole. Its medicinal properties are a great basis for a mask for dry hair. Mix until smooth one egg yolk with one teaspoon of tincture of ginseng and one tablespoon of cream high fat content. Start applying the resulting mask for dry hair from the roots need to gradually spreading it over the entire length of hair. Keeps thismask for dry ends and damaged hair for 2 hours. To enhance the effect put on a plastic cap and wrap head with a towel. Two hours later, rinse off the mask and just rinse the hair without using shampoo.
Herbal Therapy
Excellentmask for dry hair made from herbs nettle and chamomile. These ingredients should be mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 so that the amount of the mixture eventually together in one tablespoon. Next mask for dry and damaged hair tips is prepared as follows: a blend of herbs poured 1.5 cups of boiling water and infuse for two hours. The resulting infusion is filtered, and it is added to the pulp rye bread. The mask is applied for one hour after the procedure and washed with warm water
Vegetables and fruits
Some of the vegetables and fruits - is excellent ingredients which may includemask for dry hair endsAnd for the entire length of dry, damaged hair.
Let's start with the vegetables. To do this, mix 200 gr. zucchini juice with one tablespoon of olive oil and 150 ml. of milk. The effect of this mask for dry hair should continue for twenty minutes, after which it was necessary to wash off and thoroughly washed with hair shampoo.
Move on to dessert. Good effect banana-honey mask for damaged hair. Sounds appetizing, right? To make sure that your hair is also like this combination, mix 50 grams of honey with one chopped banana and apply the mixture on half an hour already washed hair. After the mask is washed, the hair should be rinsed again with a shampoo.
As you can see, prepare homemade mask for dry hair is a snap. So choose a favorite recipe, and begin to nourish and moisturize the hair right now.
Inna Dmitrieva