In category Beauty: Treatment of acne
Each of us, as far as possible, trying to get rid of this problem. All kinds of traditional medicines, tonics and shampoos advertised, therapeutic paste and cream - the whole range, according to the human experience, is designed to deal with the problem of dandruff.
Have a healthy well-groomed hair without dandruff white powder among the roots - the dream of every person. After dandruff not only unpleasant, but also brings a lot of inconvenience. These grayish-white scales that appear in the scalp, usually cause itching and settle on the clothes. All this causes discomfort.
What is dandruff? Furthermore, it is formed in the scalp and appears in the form of a grayish white powder deposited on the hair and shoulders little we know about it.
A dandruff, in fact, is a skin disease that manifests an abundance of loose particles keratinized on the scalp. The causes of dandruff are still not fully known and investigated.
Some experts argue that dandruff is caused by yeasts. Others believe that all troubles - due to disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, as well as due to improper care of the scalp. But all agree on one thing the most common cause of dandruff - a microscopic fungus that lives permanently on the scalp.
This fungus is not harmful to health and is not contagious, but under certain adverse conditions are actively progressing. The growth of this fungus dandruff can positively affect conditions such as poor environmental conditions, the accumulated fatigue, stress, lack of vitamins and trace element selenium, hormonal drugs.
In addition to all the above reasons, the researchers also highlight another reason dandruff - a violation of the sebaceous gland. This disease is usually susceptible people problems with the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas or thyroid.
Gipervyrabotka greasy fat causes rapid contamination of hair and loss of life shine. This disease is called oily seborrhea.
If, on the contrary, is allocated too little fat, the skin will dry up and peel off. In this case, the most likely diagnosis of dry seborrhea. And in the first and in the second variant of the disease emphasizes the fact that the disruption of the work of cancer most often develops during hormonal imbalance in the body.
But most of the audience are not interested in the question of dandruff, but how to get rid of. The easiest way to get rid of dandruff is to shampoo. However, most of the new scales are formed before it is possible to wash your hair again.
If you use conventional anti-dandruff shampoo, it does not eliminate the cause. Cosmetics and cosmetic products intended for skin care and hair to eliminate dandruff accelerate separation of scales from the stratum corneum.
Completely get rid of dandruff does not help cosmetic and pharmaceuticals. In a number of such drugs include therapeutic and shampoos containing tar, sulfur, and boron or boron-tar soap and having an antibacterial effect. The most convenient and practical to use this shampoo with medicinal additives, if a little dandruff.
It is also well proven herbal shampoos with additives of herbs: St. John's wort, chamomile, peppermint, and more. Not less effective shampoos based on dairy products.
Special attention should be allocated burdock. This eco-friendly, natural and not a chemical product has a truly healing effect. Suffice it to once a week to put a little oil on the scalp for a few months, and as a result you get the beauty and health of your hair, completely get rid of dandruff.
By the way, and traditional medicine in the fight against "white powder" dandruff produce amazing results. They continue to be very popular for centuries.
Decoction Yarrow used for rubbing into the scalp for two weeks of daily use will also help you to forget about the problem of dandruff, have healthy, vibrant hair. After this time your hair will look stylish and fashionable.
For oily hair the best option for the treatment of dandruff will broth chopped nettle leaves. It is easy to cook: 500 g nettle leaves pour 0, 5 liters of boiling water and boil, cool and strain broth. Rinse it with broth hair every time you wash head and rub into the hair roots. This procedure will help you not only get rid of dandruff, but also contribute to the growth and strengthening of hair, without a healthy and lush species which can not create his own style and image.
When dry dandruff is recommended after each shampooing rub in hair roots aqueous or alcoholic infusion of birch leaves.
There are also some universal tips for dealing with this unpleasant and tiresome disease:
If you have dandruff, should not be in vain to scratch and irritate the scalp, even if it is very difficult to resist. Because of frequent scratching dandruff not only not disappear, but will appear on the hair even more.
Help in the difficult struggle for healthy living without dandruff hair vitamins. Vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin H, vitamin U involved in all processes of the organism.
The most important weapon in the fight against dandruff fungus - personal hygiene: wash hair compulsory for eight hours after application of styling or hair fixing.
It should be added that we should not believe too much advertising companies, which are aimed at the promotion of a dandruff shampoo. Bright advertising company is not a guarantee of getting rid of dandruff and can not get the desired results after application of this cosmetic product. In order to completely leave dandruff need to undergo medical treatment, which can last from two to four weeks.
Modern fashion trends dictate fashion to the natural beauty and healthy appearance, one of the main components of which are healthy hair. In other parts of the beautiful and elegant look to us to help cosmetics, perfumes, stylish, fashionable clothes, exercise to keep the body in the required form or fitness.
But, as a whole (although they say that meet on clothes, and escorted to the mind), healthy skin and hair are the most important components of the human form, and in which a first impression about a person. Neither suit fashion, especially if it is dark in color, not hide problems in diseases of dandruff. Therefore, get rid of dandruff is really worth it, and it should be done on time, without waiting for when the disease begins to progress.
Author: Alexander Yadryshnikova