These different bangs

 JustLady talks about how to choose the appropriate type of bangs and cut it yourself. And also many other things that might be interesting wishing to change their appearance.

Take into account your hair type

Coarse hair
Your version - rare or medium density bangs, she will fall right. Choose the length of the average, closer to the long - short bangs will stand upright.

Avoid thick bangs - it is too difficult to install. Ideal - a rare long bangs to the side parting.

Fine hair
Cut the dead bang with great depth (ie, it should not start from the forehead and on the top of the head, or even neck) - it's visually increase density and splendor hair.


Straight hair
Dry bangs, directing the hair dryer nozzle downward while combing it. To achieve volume, direct the jet of air to the roots of the hair.

First apply a smoothing cream bang. Then lay a round brush or a nozzle on the hair, pulling her hair while drying.

Hard and thick or curly
Pre-soften the hair with a serum or styling cream, or bangs will not be allowed to fall freely on the forehead.

Protect against moisture

Dampness - the main enemy laid fashionable bangs.

The easiest way to make sure that the hair does not pushilis in wet weather - put on them rectifying means.

Do not get carried away with styling products. Due to the moisturizing ingredients contained in some of them, the hair can curl or pushitsya. Use a serum that keep moisture inside the hair, making it silky and smooth.


Select scissors
Need largest and most acute, which you will find in the house.

Remove excess
Separate from unwanted hair and bangs or kill the tie them so they do not interfere with you.

Mow dry
Cutting the bangs on her wet hair, you risk to find that cut off too much, because after drying they will pripodnimut.

Be careful with curls
If your hair is curly, then keep in mind that, in the twisting curls, they lifted even more. So leave a couple of spare centimeters in length.

Aim the scissors upwards at an angle of 45 degrees and cut a little, grabbing small strands. Do not cut your bangs straight - it is difficult, and any irregularities will be especially noticeable.

Tags: hair, bangs, straight version, free