Heat unboiled water up to 80 degrees. In a special container for staining powder and pour it slowly add water so as to form a paste, the consistency of thick cream. Let the mass cool slightly over 5 minutes. During this time, lay on the shoulders and knees an old towel or, if there is a nylon negligee, some covered shoulders in beauty salons. On the forehead, ears, neck, as well as the entire line on the edge of hair growth, apply rich cream. This will help protect your skin from dark spots of paint, which is difficult to wash away from the face and it is impossible to wash clothes with.
Divide the clean dry hair on both sides of the parting from the forehead to the nape of the neck, prepare clips, be sure to wear plastic gloves. Begin to apply paint to the back of the head, gradually moving to the forehead and temples. Do it evenly on both sides of each strand. Part the hair closer to the base of the neck, painted in the last turn.
Henna has the ability to quickly dry out and crumble. It also aggravates the strands, so for convenience, use clamps. After completion of staining collect hair in a ponytail, put on a plastic cap and wrap head with a towel on top. To dark hair found bright and saturated color, do not wash the paint for 1-1, 5 hours.
Then remove the towel and polyethylene and carefully wash your hair with warm water without using shampoo. Repeat as necessary every 3 weeks or once every 1 month. If your hair is not so long ago were subjected to chemical perms or started to turn gray, give up coloring henna, or color can turn green.