Also used for damaged hair mask with potatoes. Grate on a fine grater potato, add one egg white and a tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture on the hair overnight.
Very simple in composition, but effective action on, the mask can be made from the crumb of bread. Fill it with boiling water, add some burdock oil. Apply to dry clean hair, carefully spread over the entire length of hair. Wrap head with a towel.
For oily hair can recommend a mask that will help them gain shine and luster. Mix two tablespoons of honey and two egg yolks. Mix and apply makeup to hair, leave until morning. Rinse off the mask to again without any cosmetics. Instead yolk can take a tablespoon of sour cream or yogurt.
Very good effect on dry hair have different masks with aloe. For example, mix two tablespoons of slurry of this plant with two or three tablespoons of apple or carrot juice (apple or carrot). Rub the hair roots, and then distribute the composition throughout. After 8 hours, rinse with cool water. This mask nourishes the hair very well.
For any type of hair mask is suitable vegetable. Its very good to do in the summer when all of its ingredients easy to find on the street. Mint leaves, dandelion and mountain ash mash slightly, then pour a small amount of boiling water and leave for 2-2, 5 hours. The resulting slurry was gently put on hair. Shook his head with polyethylene, towel and go to bed. Rinse the mask with water at room temperature in the morning.