Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

 At Halloween, like the Valentine's day in Russia is full of opponents and supporters. Personally, I have nothing against All Saints' Day and have not see it as a reason to once again dream of their appearance and have some fun. Before Halloween left nothing at all, which means that it's time to pick up a suit.

This post is for those who are tired of the order cloned from year to year with images of witches potekshey of the corner of his mouth with red paint from the devil horns on his head and angel wings on his back. In fact, as much as possible! Digging in the bins of the Internet, I found a few good ideas for Halloween costumes. They are not as well-worn, so the crowd of witches, vampires and jokers have a chance to pass the most original freak.

The most common way to come up with a costume for Halloween - we take the image of some stars or movie hero.

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

A parody of the famous costume Lady Gaga Meat

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Graceful ballerina from the film "Black Swan" by Darren Aronofsky

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Luxury woman Roger Rabbit

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Imperishable Addams Family

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

No less imperishable "The Exorcist"

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Wonderful sketch of the famous Hitchcock movie "The Birds"

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

From King Kong was only a foot

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

In this case, the more people will come to the party dressed in cast black and white movie, the more interesting

And does not even matter that your chosen character is a man - the funnier.

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Remember what some secondary, but no less charismatic multgeroya. Along with his girlfriend in the Patty and Selma of the Simpsons - is not a great idea!

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Of course, I found a lot of interesting children's Halloween costumes (they certainly look nicer on children), but they can easily take over for a hell of a way for an adult party.

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

The success of the men in this suit provided

And if you have a child, it can easily become part of your costume.

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

By the way, tandems with some time also became a kind of fashion hellouinskoy.

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

And of course the tits!

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Samoinstallyatsii can also easily distinguish you from the crowd. And it looks very not stupid.

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

You can copy any cult object and dress up in it. For example, a mustache.

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Mini suit for man-land

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Girl cupcakes

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes


Here's another batch of costumes with special effects.

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Costume jellyfish

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Costume gun

The author of this dress clearly has providence.

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes


But those who do not plan to bother with a full suit, suit concise, but with a hint of infernality accessories.

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

His replacement bored horns snake Gorgon

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

Corset queen of hearts

My favorites among all dresses - costume crazy Cat Lady and Queen of the dead dragons. Do not even know what to choose.

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween CostumesWho on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

But chic celebrity entertainers rating on Halloween, which is crowned by Heidi Klum in a luxurious way of Yamaraja.

Who on earth all the more frightening: Halloween Costumes

And do not be greedy - share your ideas in the comments!