The history of jewelry. Jewellery and bijouterie

The history of jewelry. Jewellery and bijouterie
 Among the modern representatives of the fair sex as there are those who think diamonds girl's best friends, and those who truly do not understand the general obsession with jewelry and opted for jewelry. Each other, these women are unlikely to understand. As, however, fur lovers do not understand the ladies who prefer stylish jackets or cashmere coat. However, things change when she previously prefer only precious metals and precious stones, know that in the modern fashion jewelry introduced herself, Coco Chanel, and that some instances of jewelery today can cost more than the real jewels. A variety of facts, which is full of the history of jewelry can make overestimate their attitude towards jewelry, fall in love with jewelry or even buy his first decoration. Therefore, women's magazine JustLady and decided to introduce its readers to the history of jewelry. 

Ancient times

BeginningHistory decorations was laid in ancient times. It is quite understandable that the first decorations were not jewels, and donated to the nature of shells, stones, plants, which were made using the ancient analogues of modern necklaces, bracelets and earrings. One can hardly say that in those days the story originated jewelry, jewelry processing as raw materials for decorations did not respond. But the desire to adorn themselves and stand out from the others already clearly traced, and that it subsequently led to a huge number and variety of decorations to delight the human eye with its elegance and originality.

Beauties of Ancient Rome is unlikely to have received approval from the modern editors of glossy magazines that do not tire of repeating that in the selection of jewelry importantly - a sense of proportion. In ancient times, however, as now, it was believed that the jewelry - a measure of the consistency of their owner. That's only in the modern world, especially appreciated the quality of jewelry and jewelry work, and in ancient times served as a major sign of wealth large amount of jewelry. Their number is not counted in grams, as now, and weight.

The history of jewelry. Jewellery and bijouterie

With the discovery of wonderful properties of gold beganhistory of jewelry. This material began to decorate not only the neck, ears and hands of the beautiful ladies, but literally everything that surrounds man. Interiors, interior and exterior of buildings by using a large amount of gold, were called to talk about what their boss - the representative of the upper class.

The history of jewelry. Jewellery and bijouterie

Middle Ages

The history of jewelry in the Middle Ages became the basis for writing many books, making movies and even cartoons. Certainly one of the reasons was the chanting of the beauty that created the master jewelers. They were far from the miniature products typically laconic form, and their ornaments are usually applied fairly large gems. A little later shaped ornaments have become more intricate, which was due to the popularity of the Baroque style, and then under the influence of the Rococo style decoration began to attach soft fine shape. At the same time jewelry became slimmer.

But no less important reason to remember in works of art and works of cinema medieval decorations became clear separationHistory decorations. Now there was a separatehistory of jewelry and jewelry history.

This modern conditions jewelry has not issued for jewelry (although anything can happen). And in the Middle Ages formed a cult forging ornaments. Even the owner of expensive necklaces and other jewelry with sky-high prices, sometimes wore their replicas, cached originals. And that fake demand by all who wish to save money or just did not have the opportunity to buy real jewelry, and can not speak.

Thus, in the Middle Ageshistory of costume jewelery could well be called a little differently - "history of fakes on the jewelry."

The history of jewelry. Jewellery and bijouterie
The history of jewelry. Jewellery and bijouterie

Recognition of jewelery

Did you know that the name of the popular nowadays crystals appeared in the 18th century? At that time he lived and worked famous jeweler George Frederick Strass. He skillfully forged diamonds, and therefore his name was included in thehistory of jewelry as the title of fake gems. At the same time is not considered shameful to use fake stones as decoration. However, this was only ornaments that were used to decorate clothing and shoes. Wearable jewelry still had to be precious.

Well, finallyhistory of costume jewelery came out of the shadows and become a world treasure, not carefully concealed the fact, as early as the 20th century, when Coco Chanel herself said that is not as important materials used for the manufacture of jewelry, as an idea, which is embodied with them.

The history of jewelry. Jewellery and bijouterie
The history of jewelry. Jewellery and bijouterie
The history of jewelry. Jewellery and bijouterie
The history of jewelry. Jewellery and bijouterie
The history of jewelry. Jewellery and bijouterie
The history of jewelry. Jewellery and bijouterie
The history of jewelry. Jewellery and bijouterie

Indeed, it gives you the opportunity bijouterie embodiments, a plurality of ideas of designers and fashionistas. Firstly, thanks to the great number of colors, shapes and materials, and secondly, of course, due to its relatively low cost.

Today jewelry is no longer associated with a fake and is not considered a sign of a lack of material or bad taste. Proof of this are the numerous treasures produced renowned designers and, of course, the world-famous jewelry Swarovski.

And what about the diamonds? Really, jewelery able to displace the first jewelry from the fashion catwalks, and later from everyday life?The history of jewelry shows that it is unlikely to ever happen. Jewelery has long been concern the category of eternal wealth, bearing in itself is also a great spiritual power. They are inherited and present favorite, carefully preserved in caskets and "walk their" at social events. It jewels can live for many years, and even centuries, creating a new and modern history of jewelry.

 Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: jewelry, jewel