How to pierce the tongue

How to pierce the tongue
 Piercing - it is a fashion trend that has recently become more urgent in young people. Properly done, it adorns the body, including the language. However, there are certain rules, observing that, you will be able to pierce my tongue without harm to health.
 Make your own tongue piercing you are unlikely to succeed - you need to know the place where the puncture will be safe. And keep sterility in the home is unlikely to succeed. So choose a suitable area with positive characteristics, titanium jewelry - and forward.

Before you go on a tongue piercing, you need to prepare. In advance, two days before the piercing, try not to eat garlic, onions and other foods silnopahnuschih. Also not recommended to drink alcohol. The oral cavity before going to the salon should be clean - always brush your teeth, to kill harmful bacteria.

Piercing in the cabin begins with disinfection - you will rinse your mouth with a special solution, be sure to do it. Now, do not be afraid - the master with special forceps hold your tongue and make a puncture with a special needle. The distance from the tip 1 is typically 5-2 centimeters.

You can arrange and puncture in the bridle, only need to notify the master in advance. However, keep in mind that such mistake will not be visible to others.

After you insert the master puncture decoration in the hole - the piercing done. We can only wait for the pain to subside and go away edema. If done correctly, puncture and thorough attention all normal within 3 days. All this time you need to follow the following rules:

1) Do not eat solid and roughage. Prefer soft products - porridge, bananas, soups.
2) Treat your mouth with a disinfectant solution after each meal and at bedtime.

Following these rules, you can avoid suppuration - is also not uncommon. If the puncture site inflamed - refer to the salon, where you do it. You will be assigned antibiotic therapy. A little patience - and piercings will delight you with its brilliance and others.

Tags: lounge, tongue piercing