Diamond jewelry

 Gems several millennia used to create luxury. Gold and diamonds - one of the most expensive materials for jewelry. Most of the techniques used by today's jewelers, was known masters of the oldest civilizations of Mesopotamia. Thanks to the masterly handling of materials and their original, sometimes bizarre combination creates an amazing treasure trove of jewelry that never get tired to admire the women's magazine JustLady

In the category Fashion trends: the biggest diamonds (photo)

The most expensive stones are diamonds, they are also the hardest and. It is interesting that a completely colorless diamonds are extremely rare. Their color depends on the content of impurities, and features a small cut. Color diamonds used for jewelry is usually transparent to blue and yellowish to brownish.

Diamond jewelry

To recover diamonds in gold began in the Renaissance. However, the famous jeweler B. Cellini, in his "Treatise for goldsmiths", written in 1568, advised surround diamond black foil to give it more fire. " Especially good diamond in silver openwork frame or white gold as red (Chervona) gold gives the stone a few yellowish tint.

Diamond jewelry from leading Houses

Experienced jewelers starlike assemble diamonds, so that the most advantageous beat refraction of light rays. Particularly impressive are the master of this technique celebrated Paris firmCartier.

Diamond jewelry

One of the latest collections of homeCartier"King of jewelers and jeweler of kings", is called "Miracles and mysteries." Royal bird peacock brooches and necklaces to miraculously reveals its lacy tail coiled snake kept secret second snakeskin and pearls impresses with its mysterious light. Many ornaments demanded over 1000 hours of meticulous work.

No less famous jewelry houseVan Cleef & Aprels theirdiamond jewelry involuntarily again makes one believe in miracles. Each of their creation is able to make happy even inveterate pessimist, enthrall realistok and euphoria - optimists. At the time, ornaments from Van Cleef & Aprels were Marlene Dietrich, Catherine Deneuve, Julia Roberts, Scarlett Johansson and, of course, Grace Kelly, who has put a platinum tiara on her daughter's wedding Carolina in 1976.

Diamond jewelry

 Diamond jewelry Harry Winston chose the most beautiful women in the era - Katharine Hepburn, the Duchess of Windsor. Filigree technique jewelry performance artists glorified house Harry Winston, who is known to us for over a hundred years.

harry winston

It is fashionable to Russian subjects and symbols. Each jewelery brand interprets the Russian theme. Diamond GoldsmithsLeviev home come up with a collection of Russian Candy. Large colored diamonds in a necklace and earrings alternating with white. Diamonds-lollies flaunt among flower petals of white diamond pavé. This can only be compared with the real magic.


In 2008, the jewelery brandBOUCHERON celebrated its 150th anniversary. Clients of this famous French houses are monarchs, aristocrats, businessmen from around the world. The main guiding principle of BOUCHERON in their work - the creation of only exclusive diamond jewelry and with other precious stones.


By the anniversary famous jewelry house together with Maison du Chocolat Make chocolate necklace in the form of a snake with a bright yellow diamond weighing 20.08 carats exactly - in honor of the anniversary year. Today, dangerous beauty products of this House seductive as ever.

Restrained, elegant and very elegant products of the old House CHAUMET reveal the individuality of each woman. Harmonious, clean lines, sensual forms - all these features are critical in the design of jewelry CHAUMET.

 GAVELLO - A young Italian brand, founded in 1970, soon became known throughout the world. It is distinguished from other unusual style, a major plastics and architecture. In products of this brand cleverly combines modern technology and centuries-old tradition of jewelry.


If we talk about the Russian talented jewelers, then, in my opinion, deserves special attention nameAlena Gorcchakova. CreatorjewelryWhich works wonders with domes - all her collections are built on this topic. There are twisted, have delicate, there are hollow, there are flat, there is a very tiny dome-hearts on a double ring. Embossed diamond dome and decorated with small pearls pendants large briolette. Such decoration requires a royal robe! Without a doubt, Russian Empress bestowed the title to Alain court jeweler.

Diamond jewelry

Diamonds are able to cast a spell. Rumor has it that they bring misfortune to those who buy them for himself alone. Therefore, women's magazine JustLady wants its readers to these gems you just gave. With modest jewelry is not worth it - every home should be beauty chest pleasures. But please leave the diamonds, valued at half the kingdom for the evening. Afternoon to face exquisite fake!

Shuvalov Eugene
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: diamond, magazine, decoration