Immortelle Divine: Autumn collection replenishment L'Occitane

 On the island of Corsica grows amazing flower Immortelle (Helichrysum) - Latin its name sounds like Helichrysum, which means "golden sun". This flower will never fade, even after it tore.  
This fall, the brand L'Occitane replenishes its anti-aging collection of new oil Immortelle Divine. Vegetable oils have unique properties. They regenerate, nourish, protect, fill the cells with energy. Effective formula of the new oil promotes skin regeneration. It combines seven vegetable oils (borage, evening primrose, saffron, ehium, sea buckthorn, woad, hips)-rich elements (essential fatty acids omega 3-6-9), and exceptional anti-aging properties of Helichrysum oil. The texture of the skin visibly transformed - it becomes elastic.
Immortelle Divine: Autumn collection replenishment L'Occitane
Every year since the launch in 2001, the popularity of the collection grew, requiring large stocks of the main ingredient - Corsican Helichrysum oil. To preserve the natural population of Helichrysum in 2004, the company L'Occitane founded in Corsica plantation cultivated organic immortelle. Today this project, launched in close cooperation with local farmers, is beginning to bear fruit. Without prejudice to the Corsican maquis (thicket of evergreen shrubs) of more than 50 hectares of land were planted with Immortelle, which gives an annual yield of up to 3 billion flowers.
Immortelle Divine: Autumn collection replenishment L'Occitane