Townhouse, or ryadnina - rough homespun of linen or hemp fibers. The fabric used primarily for business purposes - from her sewing bags, mats. Terraced sheltered products for better safety, they bundled up with blankets instead of spending the night on the street or in the hayloft. Sometimes ryadnina went on tailoring, for example, male or female shabby trousers skirts. The fabric could be severe or colored with vegetable dyes - onion peel, oak bark or berry juice. Ryadno painted entirely or did it figure in the form of broad bands.
 Townhouse, or ryadnina - rough homespun of linen or hemp fibers. The fabric used primarily for business purposes - from her sewing bags, mats. Terraced sheltered products for better safety, they bundled up with blankets instead of spending the night on the street or in the hayloft. Sometimes ryadnina went on tailoring, for example, men's pants ...