How to attract good luck and money into the house in feng shui

How to attract good luck and money into the house in feng shui
 Feng Shui recently gaining popularity. Indeed, it is tempting, some moving objects in the house to get wealth, luck and success in love. If it works, and how to master the techniques of this magical method to start living better?

First of all, Feng Shui teaches proper positioning objects in the house, arrange them in the order you need to activate the zone. Good luck and success contribute to those whose energy circulates freely and quickly, does not stagnate and nourishes the body and soul. The same goes for your home: raking all the debris, wherever they are. Stagnation of energy generated in such a dam, can negatively affect your career, good luck and success in any business. Therefore, start with the fact that arrange general cleaning house, it will be very good for health and for favorable Feng Shui.

Windows and doors must not be obstructed or curtained. If there are flowers on the windowsills, make sure that they do not cover the sunlight. Do not clutter up the place near the entrance to the house, it will interfere with the proper flow of energy and create additional inconvenience. Place the bed so that it was visible from the door of the room, in any case, do not sleep with his back to the door - it diffuses your luck and health, as well as makes it very vulnerable. Above the bed so it is not necessary to have any shelves or awnings - they interfere with your energy freely to climb up, and also do not allow positive energy to you while you sleep. Do not install in the bedroom mirror opposite the bed or behind him - it just pushes luck and brings misfortune.

To attract money you need to use the traditional monetary symbols: rounded objects made of metal, yellow or orange. In the house of the financial sector - a south-easterly direction. This is where you need to install the amulets and talismans, attract wealth: toad with coins or just Chinese coins, an aquarium with goldfish or a money tree. Incidentally, any plant with rounded leaves may provide activation monetary sector. The basic rule that the plant grew rapidly and in any case not sickly or sluggish. If you get a young fledgling plants, pay close attention to its growth and development, not to achieve the opposite effect.

Very auspicious in feng shui is the presence of fresh flowers in the house. Just do not clutter up the space of all, remember the movement of energy! But the withered flowers, and dry up as house plants, affect the energy in the house is extremely unfavorable. If you can not leave a sick plant - better to leave with him. Sector wealth so you can take something really valuable. Put there some real coins or securities or notes. Only, of course, this should be done not in the sight of prying eyes. Values ​​can sew in a beautiful fabric bag, put it in an envelope or drawer when it is in a favorable sector.

Overly carried away and fill up the space auspicious symbols is not worth it. Quite enough of any one of a small amulet or talisman. Believe me, the number and size depends absolutely nothing to attract the desired energy is sufficient and trinkets, but will spam the space and create difficulties in such a way can be very easy. Do not overdo it, around should comply with the measure.

Another important rule, be consistent. Move furniture and add something to his house gradually to evaluate the changes that have occurred as a result of your actions. After starting, it is easy to make a mistake and correct it much easier when you know exactly what it was she was. Try and you will be sure to succeed!

Tags: Money, hair, home, hair, luck, secret, barrette, Feng