Household damage: removal at home

Household damage: removal at home
 Many of the problems in your life require innovative solutions. Man turns to magic, regardless of their own faith and beliefs. The concept of damage due to the manifestation of negative emotions. Society is full of aggression, clean biofield suppressed political infighting and contradictions of religious trends. Using a technique involving the elements, you can remove damage themselves. Spend all the rituals removing negative energy on the waning moon.  

Boil hard-boiled egg. Take it in hand and attach to the forehead of the accident, is pointed at someone the evil eye. Several times in the order the damage to enter the egg and stay there. While pronouncing the words, make an egg on his forehead a circular motion. Now place the egg against the patient's heart and repeat the procedure. Immediately take the dishes that you throw, and unnecessary stick to be liquidated, mash the egg. At this time, pronounces words containing the threat and damage witch it did.

Dishes in which you pounded egg should dig further away from his home, so no one sees, and stick to burn, but not in a home oven.

Prepare a white sheet of paper and write on it the name of troubles and situations that you intuitively associate with the new corruption. Gently fold the paper four times. Be on the trash can and tear sheet into pieces. The main condition: follow to get an even number of broken parts. Related plot should contain commands to evil in the paper and leave to stay there. Then all torn pieces of paper scatter to the wind at the crossroads.

If you are taking damage to yourself, then on the waning moon should disrupt next to the house any flower. All day wear it myself. With the onset of dusk, put a flower on the windowsill. Say the number of teams, aimed at damage to it faded along with the flower. After the flower fades, bury it away from his home without prying eyes.

You need to cook porridge. Rump select in its sole discretion. Do not add salt. When the porridge has cooled down, eat it. During the meal, mentally Render damage orders to go with porridge.

General recommendations are that all the words should be pronounced without pathos. You do not appears on the scene. Give orders to evil in a tone as if you pass it a big secret. Your emotional state should be as stable. Focus, such rituals can not be performed in a hurry.

Tags: domestic, condition, damage, evil eye, removal