Hides and skins - skins of domestic and game animals, reptiles and fish that are used for tanning. Tanning hides to be unsuitable for the fur industry. The quality of the skin depends on the raw material, which before dressing is sorted by the following criteria: age is taken into account and an animal species, thickness, mass, density and other epidermis. In the manufacturing process the skins are soaked in a special solution, are cut, stretched, dried, preserved and subjected to other operations. Finished leather go to the production of shoes, clothes, accessories and interior items.
Hides and skins
Hides and skins - skins of domestic and game animals, reptiles and fish that are used for tanning. Tanning hides to be unsuitable for the fur industry. The quality of the skin depends on the characteristics of raw materials.
Tags: clothes, shoes, skin, tanning, raw leather