From an astrological point of view determines the sign of the zodiac of the zodiacal system, in which the Sun was at the time of birth of a person. Of all the stellar bodies is zodiac sign has the strongest influence on the personality and life of a person, including sexually. Having knowledge about sexual compatibility characters, you can find the ideal partner to improve and stabilize their sexual life.
Accurate horoscope compatibility of the two signs of the zodiac can provide only a professional astrologer after careful consideration of all the factors affecting this delicate part of people's lives. But a few basic rules and principles of compatibility on the basis of which work astrologers, allow to give a rough estimate of a particular union.
The most important factor in sexual compatibility zodiac signs is separated by four basic elements: fire, air, water and land. This separation is accomplished not by chance but by position relative to each other in the horoscope: every 120 degrees on the celestial sphere, which marks divided by longitude. This principle is better understood through illustrative examples: look at picture 12 zodiac signs, arranged in a circle. Find your mark, count to 120 degrees in a circle (or the eighth sign, counting from yours), this sign belongs to your element, as the next 120 degrees. Together they form a triangle on the zodiacal circle.
Astrologers say that the most sexually compatible are the people, the signs of which belong to the same element. Element brings, makes sense of experience that has always known this man.
Signs of the fire element - Leo, Aries and Sagittarius - have less attachment to each other compared to the water signs. These people are passionate and passionate in all that relates to the sexual sphere, aggressive in bed, but hold back emotions.
Signs of the earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) have between them are very strong, close relationship, in which the main thing - dependence and persistence. In bed, they are relatively passive, but after finding each other, they truly awakened animal passion.
Air signs - known experimenters in all spheres, including in sexual relations. From partners they require the development of intelligence and the same mindset. Air signs are sexually compatible with water, using their deep feelings and emotions.
Oddly enough, the water element - it is a passion and deep emotions. Lovers belonging to the water element (Aquarians, Crayfish, Scorpions) nerazluchimy. In their partner they are looking for both sexual and moral satisfaction. They have a long love passion usually passive in bed, but can be active with the appropriate people in sexual terms.
The so-called triangle (120 degrees) means the highest degree of sexual compatibility, it is the opposite of the square - 90 degrees. On the zodiacal sphere square can be constructed, measured from its third sign of the zodiac each sign. With people born under the signs of the square, it is better not to have sexual relations and do not join with them in marriage. Sexual relations between people, signs which do not make any square or triangle, is difficult to determine their compatibility play the role of various factors, which can understand the professional astrologers.