
 Fabre - this old German means for painting a mustache, sideburns and beard. It was made based waxes and aromatic compounds and allow not only to paint whiskers, but also to give them the desired shape. To look neat, men had to periodically trim and comb the hair on the face and watch out for the preservation of their colors ....
 Fabre - this old German means for painting a mustache, sideburns and beard. It was made based waxes and aromatic compounds and allow not only to paint whiskers, but also to give them the desired shape. To look neat, men had to periodically trim and comb the hair on the face and watch out for the preservation of their color. A particular source of pride is the black mustache - they stressed the heroic military appearance and generosity of ordinary citizens. With the help of the German paint Fabra can easily achieve the desired. Means carefully loaded onto a mustache, combed special brush and gave a naughty vegetation in the right direction. Currently Fabra does not apply.