A piece of the witches in every woman there?

A piece of the witches in every woman there?
 The woman is an invitation for witchcraft. Her gaze is able to intoxicate words - bring to mind, and potions that she cooks in the kitchen every day, make a man coming back to her house. Who are they - the real witch, and why women consistently credited with the ability to magic and witchcraft as something most for granted?

Witch - from the word "Veda", that is to know. Unlike men, who all rely solely on their own reasoning and logic, women have a greater intuitive approach. Sometimes you feel that you need just so and not otherwise. No explanation for this, but the woman has a firm belief that she was right. All of what she knows the truth on a subconscious level, that is in charge.

In Russian villages were always grandmother-witch or sorceress. Women who are familiar with using herbs, prayers and charms to cure any illness, to return a loved one or to reduce spoilage. Even now, with the development of modern medicine, many continue to apply to such women and always get a positive result. After all, on an intuitive level, women are much easier to understand the nature of things, to understand what the grass of a disease can be useful and what should be done to help ease the pain of another person. While the men hunted, women engaged in gathering and nurse children, and if the child starts to hurt, it could only help the mother, no one else was not there. Here is a woman and began to explore methods of treatment and pain relief, learned to soothe and heal wounds of the heart. So it is in our blood.

Men think women witches for another reason. Sometimes they fall in love with women without memory and seems against his will. Condition is sometimes borders on madness - mind you know what you're doing stupid things and still continue to make them, because love. So say bewitch. Although, women and themselves well aware of the power and magnetism of her beauty and sly look, and just a harmless flirtation given by a woman by nature, sometimes able to bring to mind the most stable member of the opposite sex. And why not? After all, women are much weaker than men physically less hardy and more fragile, that get their mind, kindness and cunning. And if these skills are applied skillfully, and it turns real magic - the other is not clear, but the result is.

Eternal desire of women to preserve their youth and beauty has led to the fact that she was looking for different ways to this: Mix herbs, cooked and drug studied thus to care for themselves. Of course, it is always attributed to witches ability to transform from a shriveled old woman in young girls, but the desire to be always kept young and modern women, besides, we are now quite successfully cope with this - why not a witch?

And modern woman knows how to cook a dinner, after which man will return to it again and again. Yes, this is not necessarily there to pour love potion, mined in the shop witch enough to invest in the process of making all their skill and knowledge, and do it with love, this approach to any business - a real practical magic.

Do not worry, there is a bit of a witch in you. Believe me, every woman has a tremendous inner strength, call it what you like: Kiki, the power of Mother Nature or the power of the earth. A mother, a wife, a lover, a friend - all part of the same whole. And without magic and sorcery will not do here.

Tags: woman, magic, witch, piece