What kind of people like mosquitoes?

 Scientists from the Centers for Disease Control US to dispel the myth that mosquitoes prefer blondes. In fact, insects preference unrelated to the eye color, skin or human hair.
If you are a major competitor with the accelerated metabolism, you have every chance of being bitten by mosquitoes. These findings led to the researchers after studies. It was found that more attractive to mosquitoes all carbon dioxide, which is more isolated athletes and prominent people. So, little children drop out of the area at risk, but not all young parents agree. Also in athletes during training allocated lactic acid, which is another incentive for the mosquito when choosing a victim.
Not circled side mosquito and human metabolism which has accelerated due to it on the skin acts as cholesterol. In addition, the researchers found that the insects are sensitive to exhaled human estradiol and acetone.
If you were at risk or do not want to experience the bloodsuckers, remember that these insects scare smells of cloves, basil flowers and wild cherry, lemon eucalyptus and cedar oil, anise, geranium and mint.