12 steps to the elegance of Ilze Liepa

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 In the famous ballerina, daughter of the famous ballet dancer Maris Liepa, intelligent and beautiful woman, has a philosophy of life and philosophy of the body, which she shared in the book Ilze Liepa "Liepa Method: Philosophy of the body." Not everyone can attend ballet lessons Exercise Ilze Liepa, where women of all ages learn to be gracious, to get acquainted with the publication easier. From the very first pages, not yet having reached the set of exercises, you will want to Shrugged, involuntarily trying to at least slightly resemble the author - a woman with a royal bearing.

A set of exercises

For classes you will need:

  • Chair
  • Towel
  • Mirror

Information about the key moments of exercise equipment:

  • Breathing - an important element of any class. It is advisable to carry out a breath in through your nose, exhale - through the mouth. Please note that the breath corresponds to the most difficult time of exercise. (It is often said: "Exhale on the effort.")
  • Performing any exercise, try to pull up. Gaze is directed forward. Chin - perpendicular to the chest (keep the natural curve of the neck). It would be great if you get to keep the pelvis level. Great, when the lower part of the body occupies a middle position, and the abdominal muscles - neatly tucked. This situation allows the pelvis to include the work of deep abdominal muscles you need for tight stomach and safely for the back.
  • It is important to keep the chest open in its upper part (gently taking his shoulders back), and the lower ribs - closed (as if invisible strapped corset).
  • The shoulders must be omitted blades - are directed downwards and towards the center. (Imagine that you throw off the shawl from her shoulders.)
  • Performing any exercise, choose a comfortable range of motion for you.

All items properly structured body will help you try on a graceful posture and without harm to the body work on its relief. Reference points Correct posture should be maintained in any position - standing, sitting, lying down, kneeling. It would be great if you take it a rule to begin each session by reminding yourself about important technical "highlight". The first time is very difficult to control your body. At this stage, your assistant can be a mirror. It will tell and show you all inaccuracies. Later, when the body becomes more intelligent, external assistance will be less important, but at first try to take care of themselves in the mirror.

Alpine step. Walking with high lifting hips

Ip - The main stand.
1. Raise your right leg bent at the knee at a right angle, forward while turning the torso to the right. The left hand forward, right back.
2. Back to IP
3. Change the position of the hands and feet.
12 steps to the elegance of Ilze Liepa
12 steps to the elegance of Ilze Liepa
Number of repetitions: up to 40 times (lifting one leg - one repetition).
Important!The support leg is boned. Shoulders slumped. The pelvis is stable, without amplitude swinging from side to side.
Plie on the second wide position
Ip - Facing the chair. Feet apart, feet turned outwards. Hands on the back of a chair.
1. Deep plie on the second position.
12 steps to the elegance of Ilze Liepa
Number of repetitions: 8 times.
Important!Knees to plié on the feet. Body upright. Shoulders slumped. The ribs are closed. The slow pace.
2. Freeze in the deepest position plie.
3. Lift the right heel.
4. Lower the right heel.
5. Lift the left heel.
6. Lower the left heel.
12 steps to the elegance of Ilze Liepa
12 steps to the elegance of Ilze Liepa
Number of repetitions: 8 times, alternately lifting each heel.
Important! The amplitude of the plie unchanged. Feet firmly on the floor.
7. The simultaneous rise of both heels.
Number of repetitions: 8 times.
8. Lift both heels and stand still in the deepest position or bounce down.
12 steps to the elegance of Ilze Liepa
Number of repetitions: 8 times.
Important!Emphasis on downward movement.
Note: if you can not exercise fully complete the exercise on p. 8, or reduce the number of repetitions.
What works?
Strengthening: inside thigh, hip, front, buttocks, calves.
Stretch: the inner thighs and improve mobility of the hip joints.
Ip - Lying on his stomach facing the chair. Feet shoulder width hip. Arms along the body. Put yourself under the abdomen and thighs towel.
1. Raise the floor upper body, head and hands simultaneously.
12 steps to the elegance of Ilze Liepa
Important! To raise as much as possible only the upper part of the back. Buttocks relaxed. The lower abdomen in an easy tone. Crown strive forward up. Hands firmly pull back along the body.
2. Put your hands straight ahead along the arcs in reliance on a chair or take up his legs.
3. Gently sit up straight on the hands, drawing a chair.
4. Back hands along arcs back to the high position of the body.
12 steps to the elegance of Ilze Liepa
12 steps to the elegance of Ilze Liepa
Number of repetitions: 4 times.
Important! Shoulders by relying on a chair omitted.
5. Dilute the arms to the side, keeping the raised position of the body.
6. Fix the position.
Number of repetitions: hold the position for 8 counts.
Note: if you can not exercise fully complete the exercise on p. 4 or reduce the number of repetitions.
What works?
Strengthens: back muscles.
Stretch: thoracic spine, shoulder joints.
Ilze Liepa "Liepa Method: Philosophy of the body"

Tags: posture, ballerina