The sign of Gemini. Characteristic

The sign of Gemini. Characteristic
 Gemini - a zodiacal constellation of those born in the period from 21 May to 21 June. What common harakeristikami have these people, tells his readers online magazine JustLady.

Gemini. The main character traits

Gemini - the sign of a very interesting, unpredictable and multifaceted. This zodiacal constellation symbolizes the union of two brothers - twins Castor and Pollux, one of which is firmly on the ground, the other lives in heaven. However, there is another interpretation of the sign of Gemini, explaining it as a symbol of the harmonious unity of the transformative potential of male and female energies. One way or another, but in the character of people born under the sign of Gemini, a lot of conflicting qualities, which, however, are nothing but a complement each other.

Gemini- It is the very nature, unpredictable, changeable, diverse. They successfully combine physical, sensory beginning and highly spiritual essence. Gemini is fast thoughts and actions, they are mobile, not influenced by convention and do not recognize the authority. These people are active, curious, intelligent, helping them to overcome life's obstacles is very considerable.Gemini tenacious and tireless in achieving their goals - they are able to achieve success in such situations, for which the favorable resolution of other signs of the zodiac are usually quickly lose hope. At the same time, when they lost to something interesting (and it happens quite frequently), it can throw everything, even almost reaching results.

People of this sign are very sociable and easy to find a common language with representatives of all social strata of society. They love to talk on various topics, giving up a lot of values ​​and his words, and the words of the interlocutor. Thoughts Gemini quickly jump from one topic to another, so they often seem superficial people. However, this is not so - Twins are complex and are able to comprehend the essence of things, covering all its aspects, in a matter of minutes.

They are incredibly curious and have an irresistible desire to know everything and everything in the world. Not having the proper education and training,Gemini become incorrigible gossips, and the presence of these factors - a very well-read scholars. But even being intelligent, they will not miss the moment to ask details of personal lives of innocent people - Gemini's need for new information of any kind. However, they do so without malice, malice and envy. These qualities are not inherent in the majority of the Twins.

People born under this sign, creative, and often find the most unexpected solutions to some issues. And ingenuity, this is not always is beneficial to themselves and others. Basic, time-tested ways to address problems Gemini uninteresting. Therefore, in search of something original, they can make any trifle larger problem. And then, in order to deal with it already does require considerable effort.

Gemini mood changes frequently and depends not so much on external circumstances, but on their emotional state. It, in turn, is governed by the thoughts that in my head forever Twins sweep swarm. And in what direction they will take away a man of this sign, can not be predicted. Gemini is also very sensitive to everything that happens in their minds - they are extremely insecure and eternally tormented inner fears and doubts. It is because of silent fears and doubts Twins and subject to frequent changes of mood.

The sign of Gemini. Characteristic

Often changes and appearance of twins who could be that careless, then trim and fit. This innate actors, constantly playing different roles. And a change of clothing styles for them is equivalent to a change costumes when leaving the scene in a particular manner. It is not surprising that robbed today frayed jeans and an old T-shirt Gemini tomorrow may appear in the society in a suit or elegant dress.

People of this sign restless, adventurous, eloquent. They adapt well to any situation and have great potential survival. Inexhaustible energy allows them to enthrall their ideas a lot of people. However, to implement these ideas Gemini needs a conductor. They too rapidly rushing toward the goal, can not fail to notice there is a risk and, ultimately, collapse into the abyss along with those who, fascinated by their ideas, ran after him.

As for love, and her fickle Gemini. This applies particularly tofemale twinsExperiencing their elected representatives with intellectual than physical attraction. And if they do not satisfy, then quickly lose interest to the person.Male twins are often incorrigible womanizer and great lovers flirting until old age.

Gemini love the attention from others, but it is not pathological love. Excessive interest to the person often causes them frustration and desire for time to retire. However, privacy is never long, - a lack of information for the Twins unbearable, and they again begin to look for communication.

Negative traits sign of Gemini expressed as unreliability, propensity to not very fair resourcefulness, inability to deep prolonged feelings and lack of respect for others. Gemini extremely adventurous, and if conceive some scam can come quite unscrupulously. Therefore, they are quite comfortable in the criminal environment.

The Twins have excellent intuition and are often endowed with remarkable creativity. Of people born under this zodiac sign, make excellent business people, journalists, writers, officials and politicians. In general, they are suitable profession, excluding the monotony and stability operations.

Kocheva Olga
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: character, character, characteristic twin interpretation