Show me his pants, and I'll tell you who he is

 Hide this story from the men, because reading it they can begin to manipulate your mind with your laundry. Those who have serious plans for you, perepryachut thong, and those who can not wait to outbreaks of your jealousy, abandon clothes at all. And all because we analyzed our observations in the female edition, agreed that the cowards say something about its owner.

Classic melting (panties slip)

Men who prefer such pants, pretty picky about sex. For one of two reasons: a) they are boring or b) they are virgins. As a rule, they are well educated (most frequent calls on their mobile - from mom), neat, cleanly (dirty melting say something about anything else, and to translate their language is not necessary). Sexually very diligent - it is important for you to experience pleasure.

Pretend, suddenly burst into tears. He vulnerable soul and a lot of complexes, in which, however, he is willing to admit anyone interested. Indifferent to computer games. Conservative by nature, despite the fact that keeps abreast of all the new.

Secretly, he believes that the shaving foam can be spent forever (you have time to buy more new bubbles and substituted for the half-empty?), Relies on soup in the refrigerator, your indulgence and affection. These pants are most children, and not everyone is able to say to yourself once "stop" and find something else - a habit that man is almost insurmountable.

Often have a strange addiction, vagaries in the spirit of "spank me." Try to spank him and buy new pants - suddenly his infantilism as arm lift?

Boxers (tight short shorts)

These cowards is confident person, or someone who yearns to be like sure. Their vulnerability to bare all and sundry he would never become. He likes to control the events - the flow of cases, money and people.

He has plans for you? You will not notice you start to obey, and you'll like it. Sex for them - another way to prove something to myself (and you). They attach to the physical act of love maximum value, and often measures the degree of his attachment force stress in their underpants.

Passions and troubles they are easily challenged, "like a stone wall" - it's about them, men's boxer shorts. Jealousy - their sore spot.

Boxers (free long shorts)

The man who chooses semeyniki, appreciate comfort and protects your health. For sex he prefers beautiful conditions - this type of men attached great importance to the background and the environment of the event.

He is quite romantic and reckless usually had well developed sense of humor and intuition. He knows how to give you pleasure, and in his fantasies draws perfect night of love. Alas, they are often still remain fantasies - its natural laziness overpowers even the craving for pleasure.

In general, sex for such men rarely becomes something superneobhodimym - he will not be killed if you leave on a trip to the Arctic for a couple of years - at the same time he is able to keep you faithful! Guys in the family shorts a lot of friends appreciate his opinion, and in the work (especially creative) it is difficult to find a replacement.

Thong or Jocky

Are you serious? He works at a strip bar? If not, maybe dreaming about it, and lunch breaks at the main place of work is away at auditions? If you have already made love, then he is not gay. Bisexual? He wants to "talk about it", and his underwear just begs "Ask, ask me about my secret fantasies! ".

Well, if not afraid to ask. In abundance you will flow recognition and demand. Swing, threesome, with ten men on the roof, in the air, in front of the camera, with the animals! .. Infinity experiments beckons him. Familiar with her mother to anything - family is the last thing a man interested in a thong on this planet. On sites with dubious reputation on the Internet, you simply run into his "portfolio".

No panties

In his wardrobe does not have them? He is selfish, accustomed to the fact that women indulge his every whim. He is proud to be a member, he had to sing a sufficient number of praises, that he never forgot: to strain in order to bring a woman pleasure, is not necessary.

His nature is superficial sentimentality makes him yawn. This is a man "here and now" aggressively taking on the life that he wants. He does not mince words, and in general - nothing shy. In everyday life, despotic, messy to eat unpretentious, valued only for their ego.

All conclusions are valid provided that the man himself, of his own volition, of sound mind and memory, given the choice and opportunity to purchase any model panties, naturally prefer any of them. Inverse relationship between shorts and character ("change of underwear and become more manly") did not have to watch.

As practice shows, it is difficult to persuade a man to wear underpants different model than the one in which he was accustomed to walk. But to determine the dominant character of the grounds, which for men's underwear, it turns out, it is possible. Although the error no one is immune - there will always be someone very resourceful and will surprise you.

Katya Marulina

Tags: coward