National signs of spring

 Take every nation in its history accumulated vast. In such omens stores all the wisdom of generations of our ancestors, the wisdom that older generations passed on to us, their descendants. And these signs can be found on almost all occasions. However, not all the signs have survived unchanged. Actually, oral folklore is distinguished that have survived "message" often modified - it is like a game of broken telephone, when each subsequent transfers information with little distortion, but the more people involved in the game, the greater inaccuracy in the information will be present .

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Also worth mentioning is that the different signs were born in different ways - some observations of some phenomenon, the other in an attempt to explain the unexplainable, and others under the influence of social factors, lifestyle ... people can continue for a long time. In this article we will talk aboutPeople sign of spring.

Someone piously believes in them, someone thinks folly, and any chance coincidence. Other general claim that any signs - is the work of "curse" of the pagan past. However, as even the cultural heritage we need to know the most famous, accepted.

So, all conditionalCommon signs of springe can be divided into several groups as possible to observe the different phenomena exist. For example, bird-watching at the time enabled our ancestors to form some very precise statements which today help our contemporaries to "look to the future":

1) Tits, long fly away from human homes, portend cold spring;
2) Upon arrival thrushes are practically no serious frosts;
3) If the various migratory birds arrive almost simultaneously, it promises a friendly and a short spring;
4) If returning to his native land geese fly low - will be little rain and, conversely, if the geese are flying high - wait for a rainy summer.
5) If the birds choose a place to nest on the southern side of the roof, trees or bushes - summer will be cold.

National signs of spring

Why these signs are considered the most reliable? Because the behavior of birds based on the fact that they are able to feel the future weather, and behave accordingly. The man who can not predict (weather forecasters in the calculation will not take) weather, can, after all, to draw conclusions, just watch the behavior of birds.

Not less reliablePeople sign of spring can become signs associated with insects:

1) Spiders weave their nets high above the ground - spring is friendly, and, in addition, the possibility of flooding the lowlands;
2) Ants are selected on the south side of the anthill, and it is more lively - Summer is short and cool. The opposite is true observation;
3) The bees fly out of the hive unusually early - spring will be a protracted, long.

One canPeople sign spring count also the weather on certain days of spring. And those days were usually associated with the pagan gods or saints. But, despite the fact that almost all the later names were replaced by Christian, the essence remains the same:

1) If the first day of March is experiencing an unusually warm, we should expect a cold spring. Anyway, frost may still be serious, even after long periods of heat, which is especially dangerous and harmful for nature and for agriculture. Our ancestors called this day the day Mary-Marena, the goddess of death, stopping of all things winter. In people, it is also called fagot, (Kikimora character is deceptive, which is why the weather March 1 can not be judged on the weather for the rest of the spring). However, after the coming of Christianity to use the old name - meant to pass a pagan, so it is almost forgotten. New name was - Mariamne righteous;

2) March 11 - the day of Polycarp. South and southwest winds herald the imminent warming;

3) March 14 - on this day one can judge about the entire spring. What will this day, so will take the whole spring; The old name - Evdokia, with the advent of Christianity was renamed Antonin;

4) March 27 - when the water level in the rivers is not increased, it means that summer is dry and hot;

5) April 7 - Day update the old style. It is believed that now come true spring. The peasants burned old mattresses made of straw, unnecessary rags, clothing, do not expose the restoration and everything that binds to the winter last year. Began a great update. Children and adults running around a huge bonfire, jumped through it, getting rid of the winter cold. Smoke perfumed with all the clothes and the house in order to be cleansed from the end of winter. Upgrade to symbolize the ultimate victory of light forces - Reveal the forces of dark - Navi, ie the final coming of spring.

Winter cold after that did not return. With the advent of Christianity, any mention of such words was considered heresy and severely punished. Changed the name - the Annunciation;

6) April 16 - Vodopol. Almost the entire territory of Russia or the ice coming from the river, or almost met. If this does not happen, it would be a bad bite. Later name - Day Nikita;

7) May 13 - the day of Jacob. Starry Night and warm wind heralded warm summers;

8) May 19 - Day Job Rosennik or - clear day promises a rich harvest of cucumbers;

9) May 27 - Sidor. Cold on this day heralds a cool summer.

In general, it is not surprising and some change names. For example, the people are very popular names of Job-rosennika, Nikita Vodopola and many others. This is due to the fact that Rodnoverie (faith Slavs before the arrival of Christianity) and Christianity penetrated deeply into each other, and many Orthodox holidays have come to rely on older, to which people are accustomed to, and thereforeCommon signs of spring taken into account in Rodnoverie and Orthodoxy.

National signs of spring

Another serious groupSpring people signs can be considered and signs associated with trees:
1) A large number of birch juice is rainy summer;
2) If the oak leafs before Ash - is, on the contrary, portends dry summers with little rainfall. Possible and drought;
3) If the rowan bloom late, so the fall will be protracted, rainy and rich in mushrooms.

Everyone decides for himself whether to believe him in the popular superstitions or not worth it. And if you believe, then, what kind. However, I want to reiterate that in such superstitions hidden deep wisdom of many generations, and if you do not believe, or at least be aware of their existence to everyone.

 Julia Ivanova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: spring sign