Dispense with the laser?

Dispense with the laser?
 The main telltale indicator of age - the skin around the eyes. Fine wrinkles, puffiness, dark circles, "crow's feet" - the signs of age, to deal with that is extremely difficult. Because the skin around the eye amazingly thin, the thickness is only half a millimeter, almost devoid of subcutaneous fat, easy stretches and swells. It is the skin around the eyes is not only aging in the first place, but also heavier than most amenable.

Yes, and how to act? The most sensitive area, so delicate and thin ... not everyone can decide on radical measures - scary to imagine in this area scalpel or needle, and even worse - to go under the laser. Although beauticians promise only tingling during the laser procedure, and redness, which will take a couple of days, and we are afraid of side effects and skin dryness, flaking and unwanted, often occurring after exposure fractional laser.

But you can do without the laser. And get the same result. Such a possibility has appeared recently, and we owe it to laboratories L'Oréal Paris, launched a range of anti-aging care facilities called Revitalift Laser X3. After years of research specialists L'Oréal Paris created a tool, like fractional laser penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and accelerates the regeneration of tissues and synthesis of collagen fibers. All the achievements embodied in the new line of anti-aging Revitalift Laser X3 from L'Oréal Paris, which includes a day cream, serum for skin renewal, as well as the means to care for the skin around the eyes.

Studies have confirmed - effectiveness of really comparable to the impact of fractional laser. A control group of 50 women were divided into two parts for testing. Half of last laser procedure for laser correction of wrinkles, the second - for 8 weeks enjoyed gamut Revitalift Laser X3. Restoration of the skin and wrinkles on the face and the skin around the eyes in the group that used Revitalift Laser X3, were comparable with the results of those who went through the laser procedure.

Dispense with the laser?

What we must avoid the possibility of unpleasant and costly procedures? What a discovery became the basis Revitalift Laser X3 from L'Oréal Paris?

After years of research, scientists have found out that pro-xylan at a concentration of 3% penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and stimulates collagen production. Strengthened by the addition of fragmented hyaluronic acid to moisturize the skin and active LHA, the active substance that promotes regeneration of the epidermis, the pro-xylan was the most important component of Revitalift Laser from L'Oréal Paris. It included a day cream, care for the skin around the eyes and whey. Agent for the skin around the eyes Revitalift Laser X3 from L'Oréal Paris, on the basis of pro-xylan and hyaluronic acid supplemented with caffeine. Such a composition can effectively fight wrinkles and, at the same time, with bags under his eyes. Fluid and light texture gives a feeling of freshness and metal applicator adds a cooling effect when applied, will significantly reduce bags under the eyes.

And most importantly - allowing hide telltale signs of age, doing without laser.

Dispense with the laser?