Bad Gifts: folk omens

Bad Gifts: folk omens
 When choosing gifts, many people are motivated by two things: the rules of etiquette and common sense. However, in this case should not be ignored and people's superstitions. Even if you are not exposed to superstitions, think of the person who designed your gift.

People with whom you do not want to give up, do not give photos, scarves, things made of amber and watches. In addition, giving the clock, you allegedly cut the lifetime of the person to whom you have presented them. Also not accepted to give sharp objects - from the collection of daggers to silverware. In the West, it is believed that such things symbolize attract hostility and strife. By the way, the clock also apply to sharp objects - this is another reason why the clock should not give.

In the Russian tradition, it is believed that lead to quarrels and donated towel, so if you want to present something useful, it is best to choose a tablecloth. Such a gift will make you most welcome guest in the house. But give slippers should not - they can attract the death. Also not recommended to present alcoholic beverages, if you are not going to drink them together on the day of donation, because they literally pulled out of the man's health.

Shawls (especially nasal) and pearl jewelry with a man bring tears, so it is best to avoid such gifts. Mirrors carry negative energy and all the negativity that has ever reflected in them, so that the gifts of this kind, too, should be abandoned.

It is also believed that a person is dangerous to give gloves, or in the future it may interrupt a relationship with you for no apparent reason. Similar superstitions surrounded and lighter. In addition, it is better not to present to you dear people Perfumes - perfumes and colognes. It is believed that such gifts attract hypocrisy in your relationship.

According to folk wisdom, a taboo is giving a lot of things. But if you get a gift one of these, do not worry, just give the giver some small coin. In this case, the gift will be equivalent to the purchase, and the possible negative effect is neutralized.

Tags: gift