Valentino released a cruise collection 2013

 It's time to cruise collections of fashion houses is in full swing. Couturier around the world have fun with current trends as they can, going through all the possible and impossible combination. Designers Valentino in this regard seems to have surpassed themselves.

Collection Valentino Resort 2013 - this is truly a triumph of lace, pastels, pomp and strict geometry simultaneously. Pierre and Marie Currie Picciolo when you create it decided to go the beaten path, a few of his gipertrofiruya. They are the same styles of dresses from the 60's, but they are longer and sharper. Anyway cruise collection for a new approach began to look solemn.

Valentino released a cruise collection 2013

Valentino released a cruise collection 2013

Valentino released a cruise collection 2013

Valentino released a cruise collection 2013

Valentino released a cruise collection 2013

Valentino released a cruise collection 2013

Valentino released a cruise collection 2013

Valentino released a cruise collection 2013

Valentino released a cruise collection 2013

Valentino released a cruise collection 2013

Valentino released a cruise collection 2013

Valentino released a cruise collection 2013

Valentino released a cruise collection 2013

Photo: Valentino