Lady Gaga will release her first perfume

 Outrageous singer Lady Gaga will soon release its first perfume Fame. Official photos of Fame singer recently published in his twitter. According to her, this is the first perfume in black.

Information about the new long kept secret, and that has given rise to many myths. There were even rumors that Lady Gaga has decided to create a fragrance with the scent of blood and semen. However, this is just a myth. Spirits will be in a bottle with a massive angular cap that is consistent with the image of the singer's outrageous.

Ingredients new fragrance is quite unusual, in particular, it is surprising extract of belladonna and orchids in combination with incense, saffron and honey.

As reported by herself Lady Gaga tweeted, she created a women's perfume, but oddly enough, they also appreciated the many men, so the singer was wondering about the issue of male version of the perfume.

The aroma of Fame by Lady Gaga will be on sale in September 2012, and now there is an active work on the advertising campaign, which is expected not less shocking than the actual Gaga.

Lady Gaga will release her first perfume