In rolling out "Kokoko" Dunya Smirnova

 Today in the cinemas of the country beyond the picture Avdotya Smirnova, recently became the wife of Anatoly Chubais. Sochi Film Festival film met rapidly, but how to behave in public simple - the question.

At the end of the session "Kokoko" (so called director's work Smirnova) Kinotavr audience applauded, not sparing the palms. Game Anna Mikhalkov and Yana Troyan, the main character kinonovell, made such an indelible impression on the jury that the prize in the category for Best Actress actress had to divide in half.

"Kokoko" - a story about the friendship between two opposites: abstruse ethnographer (Mikhalkov) and hamovatye women from the Urals (Troyanova). First of kindness decided to lodge a second, but first intelligence and lack of culture while the second played with them a cruel joke. "At the very definition of" female lead "when it seems to be about the two roles, some truth about the film contains, because to separate these opposites in the movie is not possible" - says the filmmakers. Cocktail of emotions, plain and simple humor and even a little philosophy turned out, according to producer Sergei Selyanov paintings, turned surprisingly rare and enjoyable.

Dunya Smirnova itself recognizes that created the outline of the story specifically for the actress - it was too similar to the characters on their prototypes. Originally heroes "Kokoko" were to become a man and a woman, but at the last moment the idea had to be abandoned to make the film more acute and ironic and get rid of the "physics" of relations. As a result, the film has turned women and non-human at the same time.

What is on display at the Kinotavr that at the last couple of days ago, closed the show in Moscow in the hall reigned laughter. However, there is something to think about. Starting today, there's a chance to see this - "Kokoko" launch in cinemas in Russia.