Finalist barman art - Russian woman

 Elizabeth Evdokimov ranked first in the Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition 2013, which ended in Puerto Rico on April 26.

Qualify in Moscow, Elizabeth Evdokimov, bartender Gastropub Delicatessen, went to represent Russia at the international level, and did so very successfully. In the competition Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition 2013 participated bartenders from 40 countries: USA, Europe, Thailand, South Africa and others. The finalists 8 people, among whom only two girls.

Finalist barman art - Russian woman

Elizabeth made a cocktail The Knight Cup. The secret of success is just something of Bacardi Superior, pomegranate liqueur and Cynar, sugar syrup. According to experts, the result is a simple and balanced drink. Thus, the girl managed to emphasize the tradition of rum Bacardi home and make a cocktail in a chivalrous honest. His presentation also get an elegant:
Competition Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition was established in 2008 and has already gained credibility among bartenders around the world. Elizabeth Evdokimova victory - a sign of growth bartending culture in Russia and evidence that girls can beat guys even in traditionally "their territory".