To prepare the fungus using boiled milk, then cooled to room temperature. In a sterile container, place 1, 5 teaspoons or 1 dessert spoon mushroom, pour two liters of milk, cover the container with gauze, put in a dark place for 24 hours. As soon as the drink is ready, strain it through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.
Begin welcome drink with small doses. During the first day eat 2 tablespoons prepared yogurt. From the second day dose increase twice. After 1 week, you can use 1 cup of cooked yogurt 3 times a day, regardless of the meal and at bedtime.
If you use the drink as a means of losing weight, then drink it after 1 hour after meals. Dinner replace yogurt. If the reception you have disrupted digestion and appeared diarrhea, reduce the dose of the drink twice and after 1 week go to the usual dose.
Easy indigestion may indicate that the body is self-cleaning under the influence of enzymes and microorganisms. Therefore, indigestion early days of admission drink - this is normal.
Contraindications to drink milk from the fungus are: diabetes, intolerance to milk protein, pregnancy, children under 5 years, the simultaneous use of alcohol and insulin.