There are many different ways to get rid of stretch marks, ranging from folk methods and ending surgery.
The important point, without which it is possible to remove stretch marks, a proper diet, ie consumption necessary substances for skin elasticity. This seafood, herbs, vegetable oil, vegetables, fruits. Should consume plenty of fluids.
Good results are obtained self-massage. Massage the stomach in a clockwise direction, waist - from top to bottom, bedra- vertical movements, starting from the knees up, and yagoditsy- horizontal movements of the hips to the waist. Massage should be done every day with olive, almond oil and wheat germ oil. The use of aromatic oils such as orange, lemon, rosewood oil will not only help get rid of the hated stretch marks, but also lift your mood.
Effective folk remedy are coffee scrubs. 100 gr. ground coffee pour boiling water until a thick mass, and covered with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. Add there 1 tablespoon of olive or other vegetable oil.
You can use coffee grounds sleeps, both in pure form or mixed with various types of vegetable oil or sour cream. Scrubs rub as once a week, massaging the affected area for 5-10 minutes.
Many women to remove stretch marks, use a mixture mummy: 1 c. mummy dissolved in 1 tablespoon of boiling water, add to the resulting mass is 80 grams. baby cream. Should rub the problem area of the skin once a day.
At home, you can prepare a special mixture of rubbing. Mix 100 grams. jojoba oil, 10 drops of orange, lemon juice, rosemary, jasmine and 20 drops of lavender. The mixture before applying leave for a day in a dark closed containers.
Good and pleasant enough remedy for stretch marks is a home body wrap using different cosmetics with collagen, elastin, or cocoa butter. Wrap in foil and wrapped in a warm blanket. Lie there for a while.
Quick results can be achieved by contacting the specialized salons, where the course hot and cold wraps spend using therapeutic mud, gels, algae and other medicinal herbs. They offer other methods of getting rid of stretch marks: this laser resurfacing, mesotherapy, ozone oxygen therapy, ultrasound correction, cellulite massage.
For rough stretch marks helps chemical peel using phenol, trehuksusnoy acids and alpha-hydroxy acids. Under their influence burned deep layers of the epidermis, and with them disappear themselves striae.
In extreme cases, the extensions have resorted to surgery - abdominoplasty. This method allows you to remove excess skin and fat, which is in the process of disappearing and streamers.
Remember that stretch marks on the body - a serious skin damage for which recovery can take not just months but years of hard work on themselves. Regularity and continuity - that's the secret of success in getting rid of unwanted stretch marks.
I want to add that although plastic surgery is an effective method, but like all surgery has a number of contraindications and the possibility of postoperative complications. Therefore it is better not to resort to such a radical method of removing stretch marks on the body, it is better to get rid of them above people's means or in specialized beauty salons.