Nail care is necessary not only outside but also inside. 80% beauty, length and strength of the nail plate depend on what feeds our body. Best assistant for nail care and their health will be a vitamin complex. Particularly useful are considered vitamins A, so in your diet can be safely make fish dishes, milk, nuts, seaweed, meat, steamed, and legumes. In the vegetable salads, add more pepper, served with olive or sunflower oil. In addition to useful products, make it a rule to constantly take calcium gluconate, as mineral support - an important part of nail care.
It is not necessary to hope that after the first day of your nails shine health, it will require a few weeks, because the vitamins, particularly calcium, accumulate in the body, and over time exert their beneficial properties. By the way, taking vitamins and balanced diet not only affect the strength, smoothness and long nails, but also improve the condition of the skin and hair.
The appearance of the nail plate largely depends on its moisture. The best effect in this case will help to achieve the various baths for hands. Strengthen brittle nails will help bath with sea salt. In a glass of warm water, spread a tablespoon of sea salt without flavorings and lower part of the nail for 15-20 minutes. Then gently dab hand towel and brush nourishing cream. Bring added smoothness and shine nails, stimulating their growth, it is possible, using the oil bath. In a water bath, warm the small amount of vegetable or olive oil and dip back fingertips for 5-10 minutes after the procedure lubricate the cream. Known bleaching agent polish is lemon juice. Cut the lemon in half and each half of the lower fingers, hold for 10 minutes.
If your nails are dry and strongly exfoliate, then at night, apply a liberal coat the palm fat nourishing cream, put on cotton gloves and go to sleep. On the morning of the handle will be gentle as a baby, and marigolds will receive the necessary power and cease to dry and break.
Perhaps, in the final phase of nail care manicure considered. It is not necessary to go for this procedure in the cabin, because the basic rules are very simple manicure:
- Trim nails at least not more than 1 time in 2 weeks, while using special nail scissors curved shape, they are not so much injure the nail plate.
- File nails in one direction, e.g., left to right or right to left.
- Metal sawing greatly injure the structure of the nail, so give preference to instruments with spraying.
- Mow file nails and in a dry state.
- Under the nail polish, always apply a basic framework, it will save the nail against yellowing.
And finally, do not forget that there are no means to fight for beautiful nails will not help if the wash or wash the dishes without rubber gloves.