Brittle, exfoliating nails signal the lack of certain substances in the body. To make up for the lack of them, adjust your diet. From now on, it should include:
- Gelatin (jelly, aspic);
- Products containing calcium (dairy products, dates, figs, sesame);
- Products - sources of iron (egg yolk, red meat, apples);
- Zinc-containing products (fish and seafood);
- Products containing magnesium and manganese (bananas, rice).
If ingestion is well established and red pepper. Daily adding it to the food, you will soon notice the improvement of their nails.
As for the applicative tools, then you can give these recipes:
1. Mix oil, and iodine in a proportion 1st.l. oil 2 drops of iodine. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the night in the nail plate and the skin around them.
2. In the cranberry season grind fresh berries until smooth. The resulting mass is rubbed into your nails daily at bedtime for 2 weeks.
3. Wonderful massaging effect gives nails a currant juice (red or black) and lemon juice.
4. Melt a bit of beeswax in a water bath to lower your nails in warm wax. When the wax hardens, the nails form a kind of "thimbles", which is removed after 10-15 minutes. The procedure is repeated twice a week.
5. alcohol tincture of calendula, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, lubricate the nails at night every day.
To strengthen nails are used in folk medicine and a variety of baths:
1. 200 g of dry wine mixed with 1 tbsp. l. salt and a little heated. In the solution for 15 minutes to keep the hands. Repeat the bath 2 times a week.
2. Squeeze the juice of fresh cucumber. Mix cucumber juice with a little warmed beer in a ratio of 1: 1, add salt at the rate of 1 tsp to 1 cup of the resulting mixture. In such a bath nails held for 15 minutes. Bath is recommended to do 2-3 times a week.
3. Vegetable oil mixed with apple cider vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio. In this bath maintained nails for 10 minutes.
4. As a fresh bath of potato decoction nails kept for 5 minutes each day for 2 weeks.
There is also a recipe for a miraculous masks:
Warmed vegetable oil mixed with the beer in the proportion 1: 1, add the lemon juice to a mixture rate of 1 tsp juice 1 tbsp. mixture. Stand hand in a bath for 20 minutes, wet cloth and massage cuticles. Hands soak for 2 hours. Mask to do twice a week.
Use of folk remedies and enjoy their healthy nails!