Each has its own history of abortion: the lack of funds to raise children, fear of responsibility, it is not the right time, not the man. But the result is always the same, not the birth of life, which may in the future have repeatedly regret.
Decide whether or not to give birth or have an abortion, is not easy. But the man differs from the animal that he is driven not only basic instinct to reproduce. Ability to analyze and moral principles are equally important.
Very often, for those who already have a child, doubt whether to give birth a second, if it really happened, does not arise. Just once felt on his neck hugging little knobs and seeing that smile, everything becomes clear.
Pros birth obvious. Family life with the child moves to a more qualitative level. A sense of responsibility for a young person unites parents learn a whole new range of emotions that can not feel without children.
As negative points can be noted that with the advent of new responsibilities have to say goodbye, and with a sense of healthy selfishness inherent in every human being. Has not come out with the same ease spending time, as it was before, there will be other material costs and problems.
Thinking about what is best, abortion or childbirth, and can understand those couples who do not want to have children. Each person has their individual opinion, which is not on your nelly not obliged to be guided by what will tell the rest of society. Having children simply because so doing everything is not quite true. Although the institution of the family society and religion is assumed to be created to continue the race in the first place is the union of two loving hearts. Therefore, the error that there is no life without a child, or it can be used to bind a man, are not unfounded.