When buying perfume in the store, this method is not quite acceptable. Therefore, look at the bottle, which describes the amount of essential oils contained in perfumery. The most persistent spirits are those which contain from 22 percent essential oils. These spirits are quite expensive and can not be compared with the perfume or toilet water. They are the smallest content of essential oils, fragrance will therefore hold only a few hours. These persistent perfume should stay on the skin for 10-12 hours, and clothing - a few days.
Experts advise in the selection of spirits not hold too close to the nose probe. According to the rules, it should be fast enough to inhale the smell of perfume, which are located at 10-15 cm from the nose. If you feel light, unobtrusive notes, the spirits of quality and will long to please you with its aroma.
Of great importance is the correct storage of spirits. Bottle with your favorite fragrance should be stored away from sunlight and must be tightly packed. This is due to the fact that when exposed to light and loose spirits spoiled, and their smell is modified.
It should be noted that the length of the sound affect the flavor characteristics of the skin and working conditions. Specificity oily skin such that it is able to retain the fragrance minimal amount of time. If you work for a large company, it is likely that the spirits will interact with other scents.
Every woman wants to choose for themselves a stable and unique flavor that will highlight its elegance, charm and individuality. Using the above tips, you will be able to choose persistent perfume that suits you.